Radical Christians

In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings by two Islamic terrorists, I thought I would post about radical Islamists and radical Christians.  What are their similarities and what are their differences?  Both types of radicals follow their leaders’ examples with great devotion.  Both types of radicals believe in a very literal interpretation of either the Koran or the Holy Scriptures.

Islamic terrorists are simply following the example of their founder.  He killed anyone who got in his way.  He indulged in the worst aspects of the flesh.  For example, he married a nine year old girl.  Islamic terrorists have a supernatural hatred of God’s people, Christian or Jew and justify murder over and over again all the while claiming they are a peaceful religion.  Wives and daughters in Islam are persecuted throughout the Muslim world.

Christian radicals follow the example of their leader also.  They say Father forgive them for they know not what they do.  They pray for those who spitefully use them.  They take care of widows, orphans and the poor in their time of distress.  They take one wife or husband and are faithful throughout their life.  They walk in the spirit and not in the flesh.  They return good to those who do evil.  Radical Christian men love their wives as Christ loved the Church.  They give honour to their wives, as unto the weaker vessel.  Everywhere where truly radical Christian men go, the standing of women is elevated.  Women are cherished in Christian nations.  Christian radicals build hospitals and charities for people all over the world.  (When was the last time you heard of someone going to Muhammad’s childrens’ hospital?)

Finally, radical Islamists, when they die in whatever manner they die go where their leader and founder went when he died, to hell.  There is no forgiveness of sins or atoning sacrifice in Islam.  It is a religion without hope.

Christian radicals, when they die in whatever manner they die go where their leader and founder is forevermore.  Yes, He died an atoning sacrifice on the cross of Calvary but that was not the end of the story.  He, the Lord Jesus Christ, was resurrected.  He is risen.  He is risen indeed.  He is the hope of new life, eternal life for all who believe on Him.  The worst sinner can become a born again saint in the blink of an eye.  Even Islamic terrorists or NBC journalists can find rest for their souls in Jesus Christ if they would repent and call upon Him as Lord and Savior.

Jesus said you would know them by their fruits.  It is easy to see which radical produces good fruit.

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