Three verses for consideration in comparing Bible versions

In this post, I want to present 3 verses of scripture for comparison in 5 of the most popular versions of the English Bible.  The versions I will compare are the KJV, the Amplified, the ESV, the NIV, and the NKJV.  My purpose here is to show the absolute supremacy of the KJV. Continue reading

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Sounds like scripture?

Here are three different sayings that most of America thinks is scripture but is not.

The saying – God helps those who help themselves.

The source – Benjamin Franklin and Poor Richard’s Almanac.

Contradictory scripture – Philippians 2:3,4, Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.  4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.  1 Peter 5:5b, for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace (help) to the humble. Continue reading

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A Trip Down Heresy Lane

This weekend I took my family to worship @ the church where I grew up.  We got to see many old friends and people were actually nice to us in the church.  That is right up there with the Red Sea miracle.  That is about where the good ends.

There were several things about the worship service that my children noticed that concerned them.  (Yes, it did concern my wife and I also.)  I will put the heresy and the scripture it violates next to it for my readers. Continue reading

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The Tithe and the Resurrection

One of the greatest needs in the Church today is God-centered or Christ-centered preaching and teaching.  The entire Bible points to Jesus Christ and if we miss Him in whatever we are preaching or teaching we have missed the point.  Each chapter and verse of the Bible points in some way either to the person of Christ or to the work of Christ (past, present, or future). Continue reading

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Considerations Before Giving A Rebuke

Tonight during our family devotions we considered one of my favorite passages of scripture, Matthew 26:1 – 13.  I love the contrasts in this passage and it reveals much about why people do the things they do.  I have taught my family that people make decisions based on either love of God and people or love of money and power.

One of the things I took a considerable amount of time to talk about was Judas’ rebuke of Mary and things we might consider before rebuking a brother or sister in the Lord. Continue reading

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Quick Update

This is a quick update for our blog.  I just updated a teaching page in my Bible Prophecy section for the tribulation.  Due to some health and personal challenges, I have not been able to add posts and pages over the last few months.  I hope now that I am starting to turn the corner in both areas I will be able to enjoy teaching on this website again.  Even though the tide goes pretty far out sometimes, it does turn and start to come back in.  That is where I am right now – at the turning of the tide.  Praise God!!!


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What Does Your Home “Say”?

So… today we explore how the sounds of our home life affect the atmosphere.

Take a little test.  Sit in your home – right in the middle – in the midst of a normal day.  What do you ear?  Technology? White noise?  Media? Voices?  Music?

Now how do you describe the sounds? Is there harmony or discord? Major or minor keys?How about the decibel level?  Is there ebb and flow to the sounds?  What about the “theme” of the “music”?

These are things we take very little notice of, but they affect a great deal of our home living experience. Noise can affect us emotionally, physically, and mentally.  Why do you think the soundtracks of movies are so important.  They set the tone, the mood, they lead the viewer along prepping them for whats to come and convincing them of the feelings evoked by the scene.

Try thinking of your home as a movie in need of a sound track. You are the director. You get to decide what plays.  However, we don’t have the luxury of going back and adding tracks that are perfectly played  and timed after the fact.  We must be more deliberate and purposeful to plan the “soundtrack” of our homes in time with the moment.  Not hard. It just requires us to be sensitive and then purposeful.

For example, we can do the obvious by choosing background music to play during meals, learning times, family times, etc… Are we sure to pick uplifting and beautiful music?  I am not so narrow minded as to suggest that there is only one type of music worth listening to.  You must let your families preferences and your conscience be your guide.  May I suggest you listen to different genres at different times. Talk about it.  Think about it.  Don’t listen mindlessly.  Keep a catalogue of favorites that are comfortable and welcome to all of you. Put on some fun music after dinner and dance with the kids, the spouse, or even all by yourself.  It really is a mood lifter.

More subtle and often overlooked areas of sound include the voices in the home. Is there a lot of yelling?  A lot of needlessly raised voices?  Are the words harsh or kind?  We all have our moments and some instances require loud voices.  But, is it the norm?  We can’t control what comes out of someone else’s  mouth but you can influence, train, and guide.  And we can certainly control what comes out of our own mouths.

Let’s talk technology.  Thank God for dryers, a/c, dishwashers, and computers.  They certainly make our lives easier.  But, we must remember that we are in charge of them not the other way around.  Plan when these devises run.  Try to adjust the noise they produce.  We tend to tune them out on the surface, but they are there making noise in the background which adds to the overall effect.  Telephones and cell phones can be turned off.  We don’t have to let their constant ringing ruin the moment.  Take charge of the phone.

So… now I must mention television.  We have  few sets, but no channels. We control what comes in through the big black box.  That’s our choice, it may not be yours.  Just remember, tv is a choice.  Watch it purposefully, not habitually.  If you find it is on in the background all day when no one is watching – make a change.  We don’t need to listen to a show to eat a meal or heaven forbid to fall asleep.  Try turning it off and only watching it when you are committed to sitting and watching and not doing anything else.  Then turn it off.

We may think these things don’t have much impact, but have you ever been in your home for even a few minutes with out any “noise” happening?  It’s different, isn’t it? Think of that as the blank track and then build up from there. Take control.  Be the conductor of the family symphony.  Make sweet music and a joyful noise.

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Where the gold is

I have been working on finishing my lesson on the nations of Genesis 10 for the Old Testament Survey study.  I noticed something from the list of men in Genesis 10 that formed the nations that I took the time to talk about with my family during our family worship time tonight.

First I mentioned that the Lord does not want us to know much about the pre-flood world except that it was very wicked.  When I looked at the names of Genesis 10, there are a few names that are similar to the pre-flood names.  Tubal is similar to Tubal-cain from Genesis 4.  Canaan is similar to both Cain and Cainan from Genesis 4 and 5.  Raamah is similar to Naamah (possibly either Noah’s or Ham’s wife) of Genesis 4.

There is one name that comes directly and exactly from the pre-flood world and it is the only name that is used twice in Genesis 10.  It is used both for a descendant of Ham and a descendant of Shem.  That name is Havilah. Continue reading

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Page Update

I wanted to put out a quick post to let our readers know of a few updates on my teaching pages and what my plans are for updating the O.T. lessons.  This evening I updated my teaching on the #17 and the rapture, and also tried to polish the basic outline lesson in the Bible prophecy section.  I think especially on the number 17 lesson most people will find this most interesting.

I plan to finish my lesson on the nations this weekend and also on the church in Bible prophecy.  My hope is these pages will be an encouragement and help to all those who love the Lord and His word.

I added quite a bit of content to my Kingdoms of Daniel lesson tonight (3/5/12).  I hope it is a blessing.


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Decor and Home Atmosphere

So.. we have seen that it is so important to work on establishing routines and basic management strategies to our home life.  This helps to create a safe, secure, predictable, calm, and comfortable atmosphere in which to live the life of home.

I do know that it is our duty to remain in control of our emotions and to bring our own sense of calmness to situations.  I am not saying Continue reading

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