
Betrayal is purposely hurting someone who has loved you.  Betrayal is a dull knife that cuts deep painful wounds.  The source of betrayal is jealousy.  It is based on the belief that cutting someone else down to size will somehow elevate the betrayer.  Those who betray their friends find no joy in the victories of others.  They fundamentally mistrust God and miss His goodness.

Betrayers always can find some fault in their friend to justify their actions.  Remember Judas had his reasons also.  Jesus had no faults.  He was and is love and yet He was betrayed nonetheless.

Although we cannot keep someone from betraying us, we can keep ourselves from becoming the betrayer of our friend.  Here are some things that will keep us from betraying our friend.  Thankfulness toward God:  we deserve no good thing but our Father in heaven gives abundant grace.  Be happy for the blessings that God gives others.  Hurting your friend will not cause God to bless you.

If there is something between you and your friend, Matthew 18 has the process prescribed by God to solve the problem.  Gossip is betrayal.  Jumping to step two or three in the process is gossip no matter how many ways we justify this action in our minds.

Don’t underestimate how big a blessing it is to have a faithful friend.  Read through Proverbs and look at the verses on friendship if you are tempted to betray your friend.  Short term pleasure or gain is no substitute for a lifelong friend.

Finally, what should our reaction be if we are wounded deeply by our friend?  We must ask God for His grace in order that we might forgive.  A definition of forgiveness that I heard recently might be helpful here.  Forgiveness is giving up on the idea that the past can be different.

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