There is a little known crown that believers in Christ can earn. The requirements for earning this crown are located in a little known 67th book of the Bible called 1st Hesitations (1 Hesitations 13:13). It is called the critic’s crown.
Here is how you earn this most lusted after crown:
1) Find someone with a large ministry, 2) Look carefully over their theology to find some weak flank to attack, 3) Since they are already very busy trying to juggle many different things, wait until they have some personal challenge (sickness or financial struggle works great), 4) put out some insinuations in the form of “just asking some honest questions”,and use the word, “dangerous”, 5) either post an open letter, preach a message using the springboard method ( an useful partial passage of scripture out of context), or challenge to a debate. The debate works particuarly well because they will probably decline because of time constraints, and finally 6) demonize them while using theological terms that sound impressive (semi-semi-pelagian or hyper-supra-lapsarian or partial-charismatic just to name a few).
Congratulations!!! you have just won the critic’s crown. Be careful though at the judgement seat of Christ because its made of hay and stubble.
Yes, I am using sarcasm above to make a point. I have become a little weary (actually alot) of hearing young men try to make a name for themselves by criticizing and dishonoring older men who have lived a lifetime for Jesus Christ. I am for purity of doctrine. I believe in always reforming. However, I think the scriptures give some very clear guidelines for theological debate.
I would like to give a partial list of a few important points from scripture. 1) Consider the speck and the plank and your exceedingly deceitful heart (who can know it) before launching into criticism. 2) Consider your fruits and the fruits of the person you are getting ready to criticize. 3) How many people have you talked to about Jesus today? 4) Are you the childless person teaching on child training? the broke person teaching about finances? 5) What is the age of the person, you are getting ready to rebuke or criticize (might want to read 1 Timothy 5:1)? 6) Have you followed the Matthew 18 model where you go directly to the person you have a disagreement with first without anyone else knowing? 7) Who are you lifting up? If you lift up Jesus, it draws men to Him. 8) Finally, are you confronting your brother in Christ in love? This is how the world knows that we are His disciples. The church might be a little more successful today if we didn’t devour those we are supposed to love.
By the way, I am partial cessationist. I believe the holy kiss has passed away so don’t kiss me.